Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Question 4, Who would be the audience for your media product?

My magazine is aimed at young people age ranged from 16 years old to 29 years old which include all genders , this means a majority of my target audience tend to use the internet regularly so as a result I have decided to advertise the social media of 'Forgotten' on my magazine. Also due to my target audience being used to the internet I have decided to have a reasonable price for my magazine so my target audience don't choose to access the magazine online. Another reason for choosing this price is because a majority of my audience are unemployed due to being in full or part time education or having a part time job so they don't usually have money or time to spend reading (information gathered in research) so they don't have a stable income which will allow them to purchase an expensive music magazine as they have other priorities. As they don't have disposable income to spend on an expensive magazine, they usually spend their money on their youth which involves spending money on metal concerts and festivals which occur every year eg Download, Bloodstock etc. In addition my target audience spend their money on major priorities like music (found on iTunes), phones (upgrading to the most recent model), Tattoos, piercings etc. My target audience would usually shop online for clothes as the typical high street doesn't tend to cater to metal fans so as a result, my audience would shop online at www.emp-online.co.uk/clothing/ which offers a large range of metal/rock bands merchandise. However, if my audience was going to shop in a town centre, Town in Birmingham for instance then my consumers would shop at blue banana or Oasis market. Other on the hand my target audience have the ability and tendancy to buy dark colour clothes from topman or primark.
Values which my target audience live by tend to be spending time with family and friends, in the park, school, home life, online with social media, online on gaming consoles, cinema, youth clubs, sports clubs etc. They will spend their day to day life aside from education or careers on social media and spending time with the most important people in their life because aside from stereotypes, ,metal and rock fans are one of then most loyal and caring fans out their.
The most fitting phone that suits my target audience is Apple's iPhone due to being widely popular with the age ranges that make up my target audience. Furthermore, iPhone's allow my consumers to access social media and the internet to stay up to date on various updates from my magazines website. As a result of the easily accessible app store, if I wanted to use cross media convergence and synergy to create an app which can be more mobile and portable so it would appeal to my audience when out and about eg. on public transport or on a long car journey. From my research I have gathered that iPhone's iTunes easily allows everyone who has an apple product to download and install music onto their device, this can be very benefiting due to my target audience listening to music. Alternatively, on the app store, Apple also have other music apps which are music based which will help me reach a wider audience. For example, Soundcloud, Amazon Prime, Spotify, Youtube

My primary target audience are between 16-29 years old, by majority they mostly fall into group E on the JICNAR scale which is due to them being at school or university. As a result I have had to make the magazine appeal to that certain age range by using certain techniques which appeal to the audience. 
Group A (Professionals)
Upper middle class, e.g. Barristers, Doctors, Executives

Group B (Managerial)
Middle class, e.g. Bank Managers, Teachers

Group C1 (Non-Manual)
Lower middle class, white collar workers, e.g. Office Workers

Group C2 (Manual)
Skilled working class, Blue collar workers, e.g. Car Mechanic, Machine operators, Construction workers

Group D (Partly Skilled)
Semi or unskilled manual workers, e.g. Assembly line worker

Group E (Unskilled)
Casual workers, dependent on state benefits, students
To gather an insight into my music magazine I will hold an interview with a sample of men and women who both fit into the target audience. I will ask a range of questions which will help me in my research to learn more about my magazine. I'll upload the file to my blog via a soundcloud. 

I will ask: 
"What are your first thoughts on the magazine 'Forgotten'?
"Would it appeal to my target audience?"
"What are the Front covers Strengths?"
"How does the contents page appeal to the consumers?"
"Does the double page spread look professional?"
"Can you see any improvements or areas which I need to work with?"
"Would you spend £3.50 for this magazine?"
"Does the front cover attract you to the magazine, and does the model's mode of address allow you to make the magazine memorable?" 
Name: Kyle 
Occupation: Student
Age: 17
Hobbies: Skate boarding, Gym, Judo, Gaming, concerts. 
Gender: Male
Interests: Concerts, PC gaming, exercise, sports.
Music Tastes: Heavy metal, Rap, rock, reggae, Classical, grime, trap.

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